
Event support

Customised, insightful facts to add value and depth to your sports commentary. Drawing from our extensive database and research from previous events.

Background data

Drawing from our own research and data analysis that covers all key sporting events going back to their origins.

Commentator value add

Providing that last extra 10% of interesting and intriguing facts about the sport, competitors, venue or situation that create that special experience to the audience..

We hold extensive sports data and medal history for all the events we work with.

We have extensive results data and medal records for Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games and Invictus Games. We know what is interesting to the audience whether they are enthusiasts or casual observers, and we have historical records to support the next series of events.

Invictus Games Prince Harry

We are the only source of complete Invictus Games results.

We have a complete database of Invictus Games results including every athlete, sport and event.

Adding Value

We help expert commentators perform even better

By providing commentators with specific and comprehensive event statistics before and during the broadcast, we add extra value and interest for the audience.

Next steps…

Please contact us to find out more about how we can add value to your sports broadcast.